RED develops more retail in Ronneby Municipality

RED has signed rental agreements with Rusta and Stadium Outlet, a move that will further consolidate the position of Viggen Retail Park in Ronneby Municipality. These are two very strong retail operators who are coming to the municipality with a long history of increasing flows to retail parks.
This means that 3,600 square metres of new retail space will be added to Viggen Retail Park, further strengthening the site at an already strong time for retail in central Blekinge. It has already been announced that Biltema is also on its way to the park.
Viggen Retail Park is close to the centre of Ronneby and is strategically located on the E22 and national road 27. Around 22,000 vehicles pass the site daily, making it an excellent position for a retail park.
-“RED is very grateful to have the trust of the municipality to develop this part of Ronneby. We are proud that our long business relationship with Rusta and Stadium Outlet allows us to jointly establish these businesses in another municipality. We strongly believe in the retail park and in Ronneby Municipality”, says Ronald Rico, owner and CEO of RED.
RED is planning to start construction during the summer of 2021 with the opening scheduled for May 2022.