Dollarstore is expected to open their new store in October 2020.

RED and Peritas has let out Östra Birsta´s last building right, an area of approx. 4,000 sqm to Dollarstore. This contradicts the negative hypothesis regarding physical retail, and confirms retailers interest for strategically located retail parks. Both EKO Hallen and Elgiganten experienced great success when opening their stores in the end of 2019. Jysk’s new store is expected to open in March 2020. Dollarstore is planning to open their new store in October 2020.
-“RED and Peritas are proud and satisfied with the outcome of this project, as it has partly reshaped the retail structure in Sundsvall Birsta to our advantage. The addition of a Dollarstore to the retail area is great news, and we can finally confirm that the retail park has reached its full capacity of tenants”, says Ronald Rico CEO at RED