Norra Backa
RED developed part of the existing Norra Backa Retail Park on behalf of SIM. Dollarstore, JYSK and McDonald’s were contracted to the retail park.
About the project
On behalf of SIM (Savills Investment Management AB), RED has developed part of the existing Norra Backa Retail Park in Borlänge. Rental agreements were signed with Dollarstore, JYSK and McDonald’s. Dollarstore and JYSK relocated their existing units in Borlänge to newly built premises at the retail park. RED was responsible for the development project. RO-Gruppen Butik AB built the property that houses Dollarstore and JYSK while Olofssons Bygg AB built McDonald’s. In total, more than 5,000 square metres were developed at the retail park. The property that houses Dollarstore and JYSK is certified according to LEED Core & Shell Gold. The new players opened their stores in 2021.