Contact RED

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or just want to know more.

Evenemangsgatan 17,
169 79 Solna, Sweden
CEO and Founder
CEO and Founder

Ronald Rico


Ronald Rico har arbetat på fastighetsmarknaden i över 25 år, varav 20 år med utveckling och uthyrning av handelsplatser. Ronald har ett utmärkt rykte på marknaden och ett brett nätverk på detaljhandels- och fastighetsmarknaden. Han har en civilingenjörsexamen från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm och en kandidatexamen i ekonomi.


Johanna Viborg

17 01 998-07(0) 64+es.etatseocir@grobiv

Johanna Viborg is responsible for the Group’s financial management and has 15 years of experience in the property industry. She also plays a central role in the company’s transaction processes and project implementation. Johanna has an MSc in Business Administration from the Umeå School of Business and Economics.

Senior Business Developer
Senior Business Developer

Magnus Schön

55 24 447 27(0)64+es.etatseocir@nohcs

Magnus Schön is responsible for securing land to establish new retail parks. Magnus has over 20 years of experience in property development and establishment, including TK Development, ICA Group and Scandic Hotels. He has an MSc from Stockholm School of Economics.

Senior Advisor and Chairman of the Board
Senior Advisor and Chairman of the Board

Ulf Östberg

05 27 713-07(0) 64+es.etatseocir@grebtso.flu

Ulf Östberg is a senior advisor and is responsible for the early stages of development and implementation of construction projects. He has worked in the contracting and property industry since 1987, including as CEO of a major contracting company. Ulf is a qualified structural engineer.

Project Manager
Project Manager

Joel Cummings

10 90 047-07(0)64+es.etatseocir@sgnimmuc

Joel Cummings is the project manager and is responsible for the implementation of construction projects. With a comprehensive background spanning 20 years in various roles within the real estate industry, Joel brings a wealth of experience to his current position. Over the past five years, he has served as the Property Manager at Rusta AB, where he has been responsible for new establishments.

Finance Manager
Finance Manager

Catrin Andersson

51 20 998-07(0)64+es.etatseocir@nossredna
Rico Estate Development AB
Evenemangsgatan 17
169 79 Solna

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